
Introduction to computer programming with C++

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction to problem solving
·        Introduction
·        Level of programming
·        Algorithm development
·        Problem solving exercises
·        Introduction to C++

  1. C++ Programming basics
·        Input and output statements
·        Variables
·        Data types
·        Assignment statements
·        Operators
·        Case study (Find average of two inputs)

  1. Decision Statements
·        If statement
·        If else statement
·        Switch statement

  1. Loops
·        For loop
·        While loop
·        Do while loop
·        Other control statements
·        Case study (Find largest number in 10 given numbers)

  1. Arrays and Strings
·        Fundamental and usage
·        Declaration of array
·        String Functions
·        Case study

  1. Structures
·        Introduction
·        Accessing members of structures
·        Structure within structure
·        Arrays of  structure
·        Enumerated data types
  1. Functions
·        Introduction
·        Simple functions
·        Kinds of arguments
·        Inline function
·        Case Study

  1. Pointers
·   Introduction
·   Pointers and arrays
·   Pointers and strings
·   Pointers and functions
·   Memory Management
·   Case study

  1. Object and classes
·        Introduction
·        Constructors
·        Destructors
·        Objects as function arguments
·        Overloading
·        Friend functions
·        Case study