
Introduction to PHP

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction to PHP
·        What is HTML
·        What is PHP
·        Installation of  PHP

  1. Basic Syntax
·        Basic syntax for PHP
·        PHP with HTML
·        Saving PHP file
·        Running PHP Programs
3.   Data Types and Expressions
·           Introduction
·           Boolean
·           Integers
·           Floating Point Numbers
·           Strings
·           Arrays
·           Expressions

  1. Variables
·        Basics
·        Predefined Variables
·        Variable Scope

  1. Operators
    1. Arithmetic Operator
    2. Assignment Operator
    3. Bitwise Operator
    4. Comparison Operator
    5. Increment and Decrement Operator
    6. Logical Operators

6.      Control Structures
·           If
·           If else
·           If elseif
·           For loop
·           While loop
·           Do while loop
·           Foreach loop
·           Break
·           Continue
·           Declare
·           Return
·           Require()
·           Include()
·           Require_once()
·           Include_once()

  1. Functions
·        Introduction
·        User defined functions
·        Function Arguments
·        Returning values
·        Variable Functions
·        Internal(built-in) functions

8.   Classes and Objects
·        Introduction
·        Parent and derived classes
·        Use of extends
·        Constructors

9.   Database Connectivity
·        Introduction
·        MySQL and PHP
·        Use of insert , Update and delete
·        Case Study

FEE for Online students: Rs. 8000/-
Duration: 4 MONTHS