
Introduction to JAVA

Course Contents:

1.      Basic language features of java
·           Introduction
·           Features of java
·           Basic syntax
·           Comments

2.      Standard Data Types and Variables.
·           Integers
·           byte
·           short
·           int
·           long
·           float
·           double
·           character
·           Boolean
·           Declaring a variable

3.      Basic control statements.
·           If  statement
·           If else statement
·           Switch statement
·           Loops

4.      Arrays
·           Array declaration
·           One dimensional array
·           Two dimensional array

5.      Methods
·           Defining method
·           Methods using parameters
·           Constructors
·           Parameterized constructors
·           Overloading methods
·           Overloading constructors

6.      Classes and Objects
·           Introduction
·           Declaring and initializing objects
·           Calling constructor
·           Calling methods
·           Use of keywords this, super, static and final
·           Case study

7.      Inheritance
·           Inheritance basics
·           Member Access and Inheritance
·           Super and sub classes
·           Calling constructor of super class
·           Methods overriding

8.      Packages and Interfaces
·           Introduction
·           Importing Packages
·           Abstract methods
·           Abstract classes
·           Defining interfaces
·           Implementing interfaces
·           Case study

9.      Applets
·           Introduction
·           Fundamentals of java Applets
·           Applet and HTML